ISO 8124

ISO 8124 Certification : Safety of Toys
The worldwide toy market saw $90 billion in income over the previous decade. This-industry, while commanded by a couple of significant players, is included various organizations trying to deliver things arranged towards kids. This introduces a duel-overlay need—makers ought to have the option to guarantee the wellbeing of their items and have this data effectively passed on to guardians or buyers.
In the United States, ASTM F963 offers direction for this. Globally, the ISO 8124 Certification series of universal guidelines created by the ISO specialized panel for the security of toys (ISO/TC 181) are looked to for affirmation. This arrangement is separated into various parts:
ISO 8124 Certification : 2018
Safety viewpoints identified with mechanical and physical properties
ISO 8124 Certification applies to all toys, or “any item or material planned or obviously expected for use in play by youngsters under 14 years old,” with certain exemptions. It determines satisfactory criteria for the auxiliary qualities of toys, covering various segments of toy items with rules that change as indicated by the planned age groups.
ISO 8124 Certification : 2014
While there is little accident-data concerning the perils related with the combustibility of toys, the potential for a kid’s toy to catch fire is without a doubt a factor that ought to be limited. This universal report covers this, determining the classes of combustible materials that are precluded in all toys and subtleties rules concerning combustibility of certain toys when they are exposed to a minor wellspring of start. It additionally portrays test techniques for deciding combustibility (flammability).
ISO 8124 Certification : 2010
Migration of certain elements
ISO 8124 Certification determines most extreme adequate levels and techniques for testing and extraction preceding investigation for the relocation of antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and selenium from toy materials and from parts of toys. Each of these is altogether known to cause sick consequences for people. For instance, presentation to antimony can cause bothering of the skin, eyes, and lungs, and, after some time, lung sicknesses and stomach ulcers. This standard has a correction, ISO 8124-3:2010/Amd1:2014, which makes changes to the determination of test portions.
ISO 8124 Certification : 2014
Swings, slides and comparable action toys for indoor and outside family residential use
The focal point of ISO 8124 Certification, which depends to a great extent on ASTM F1148 and European Union principles, is home play area gear, or “movement toys for household family utilize expected for kids under 14 years to play on or in.” This incorporates swings, slides, teeter-totters, merry go rounds, shaking toys, climbing outlines, completely encased baby swing seats, and different items planned to manage the mass of at least one kids. It explicitly prohibits wellness and sporting gear, hardware expected for open use (for example in schools, day care focuses, and open play areas), and adolescent consideration items. This standard has a change, ISO 8124-4:2014/Amd1:2017
ISO 8124 Certification : 2015
Determination of all out grouping of specific components in toys
ISO 8124 Certification determines examining and absorption before investigation of the all out convergence of indistinguishable components from ISO 8124 Certification -3:2010—antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, and selenium—from toy materials and from parts of toys. Different risky components can be controlled by the standard’s strategy if sufficient scientific execution is illustrated. Makers are urged to apply these test techniques and the breaking points from ISO 8124 Certification -3:2010 to crude materials utilized in the production of toys to give expanded assurance of congruity.
ISO 8124 Certification : 2018
Certain phthalate esters in toys and children products
ISO 8124 Certification offers a technique for deciding the substance of dinbutyl phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP), di-iso-nonyl phthalate (DINP), and diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) in toys and youngsters’ items. It is material to toys and kids’ items made of plastics, materials, coatings, and so forth.
ISO 8124 Certification : 2015
Requirements and test methods for finger paints
This piece of the ISO 8124 Certification arrangement is proposed to decrease the dangers to youngsters from finger paint, with a premise in the predictable utilization of finger paint and considering the conduct of kids. It does this by determining rules for the materials and substances utilized in finger paints, which address certain hurtful debasements. It doesn’t, be that as it may, apply to paints planned to be applied to the face or body.
ISO 8124 Certification : 2016
Age determination guidelines
This specialized report (not a standard) offers rules for deciding the most reduced age at which kids start playing with toys in explicit toy subcategories. Consequently, it is basically aimed at producers and offices that assess the consistence of plays with wellbeing principles. Be that as it may, the specialized report can likewise be utilized as a kind of perspective for deciding the propriety of toys by most punctual age, and it might be valuable for associations engaged with youngster play, pediatric establishments, and purchasers.
The universal principles recorded above as of now have been distributed in the ISO 8124 Certification toy well being arrangement, however extra reports are inevitable. Guidelines in this arrangement as of now being developed include:
ISO 8124 Certification
Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties — Comparison of ISO 8124-1, EN 71-1, and ASTM F963
ISO 8124 Certification
Experimental-sets for chemistry and related activities
ISO 8124 Certification
Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets
Please note that these standards do not cover electrical aspects, which are the focus of documents published by IEC.