Mep services

Dash Projects Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) division has been operating in UAE since 2012 along with the core DASH’s building sector.
The MEP division has been adding strong value in enabling the company to deliver the full requirements of any building project to the Clients.
The MEP Division had succeeded to deliver all the MEP packages of the awarded building projects and furthermore it has been competitive to stand and bid for external MEP packages for different external clients. This has been adding an extensive value to the company operations in the UAE.
The MEP Division after 9 years of operation in UAE has been enriched with a very experienced staff in addition to the technical support being received from Beijing. This allows it to provide a competitive stand in the MEP construction market.
The MEP works have been OHSAS and ISO certified since 2008 along with the other capabilities of DASH to ensure and deliver a perception to the Client with regard to strong integrated management of all DASH capabilities.
As the division belongs to a major state group, this gives it a very strong advantage of procuring long lead items in a very competitive price from the Chinese Market. This helps to deliver projects in a very competitive price.
The MEP division’s Leadership is always keen to improve the skills of divisional operations and ensure that the division can deliver and support the other divisions in terms of the project’s requirements.